Ease children into school, reducing anxiety.
Teach early literacy, numeracy, and cognitive skills.
Foster social skills and develop emotional resilience.
Learn to explore, make choices, take on responsibilities and build confidence.
Learn fine and gross motor skills like drawing, cutting and outdoor play.
Learn how to participate and follow instruction.
Your little one will discover the world with Little Leo’s Excursions!
Our adventures include:
We travel to iconic destinations within 30 minutes’ drive of our centre.
Reading Eggs is an Australian program that makes learning to read fun for children. It’s used in NSW schools to help children improve their reading and literacy outcomes.
Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for children with fun online reading games and activities. Best of all, it’s proven to work!
Learn MoreRecognising and manipulating sounds in words, developed through sequential activities in Reading Eggs.
Understanding the connection between letters and their sounds, crucial for decoding and encoding words, emphasised throughout the program with engaging activities and reading books.
Expanding word knowledge with visual aids and context in Reading Eggs lessons to enhance reading comprehension.
Active engagement with text, imagining, understanding, and linking information from both fiction and nonfiction sources, facilitated through scaffolded activities.
Reading aloud with speed, accuracy, and understanding, developed through consistent practice and exposure to appropriate level books.
Your child will benefit from a FREE one-year subscription before being introduced to the Reading Eggs program in kindergarten. Additionally, they will also have access to use Reading Eggs at home to help improve their reading and literacy skills.
$167.99* per child
FREE for Little Leo’s Families
*Cost for an at home subscription.